Welcome to the International Journal for Quality and Productivity Management. The IJQPM has a new address and two new executive editors who, along with the Managing editor, pledge to better serve the academic and professional communities.
The new editorial team is committed to assembling a cadre of expert editors and highly qualified reviewers in the fields of Quality and Productivity Management and to developing IJQPM to become a valuable and highly respected journal. The two most important tasks that lie ahead are to assemble a group of knowledgeable and dedicated experts, and to attract pioneering research.
Please contact us if you are interested in reviewing for the journal, and send us your research if you are interested in receiving expert and timely feedback through a fair and transparent review process. We welcome your recommendations for special topics issues, reviewers, and promising authors. Wherever you are and whatever the form you choose to participate, let us all collaborate to make IJQPM an outstanding venue to publish valuable work.
Meanwhile, please note that all articles published in Vol.1 through Vol.10 of IJQPM by the International Society of Quality and Productivity Management can be accessed and downloaded free of charge from their website isqpm.org. Vol. 11 is published jointly by the International Society for Quality and Productivity Management of Midland, Michigan, and The College of New Jersy, Ewing, New Jersey.
The Editors