Submission Checklist

Please ensure that all requirements on the following checklist have been met before submitting your article.

Previous publication

A statement is included declaring that the submission has not been previously published in English nor is it before another journal for consideration.  If your work, or part of it, has been published in a language other than English, the authors should provide an explanation to the editors justifying the publishing of previous work now in English and detailing the extent of overlap between the previous publication(s) and the current submission.


The text meets the formatting requirements outlined in the submission guidelines.

File format

The submission file is in MS Word file format or PDF file format for email submission.  If you use other software for text, graphs or formulas, you will be requested to save all files as PDF files.

Expert referees

You have identified up to three experts in the subject of your article as potential reviewers of your manuscript.  Provide name, institutional affiliation, full address, area of expertise, and relationship, for each expert.  (Consult the section ‘Conflicts of Interest’ of the Ethical Guidelines).

Submission files

Ensure that you have prepared the following three files:

  1. A file containing: the title of the article; the names, affiliations, complete addresses and email addresses of the authors; an abstract; keywords; brief biographical notes about authors and any acknowledgements.
  2. The text of the article, including text, abstract, references and notes, tables, figure captions and figures but without the names of authors, their biographical notes or any acknowledgements.  Check that you removed any identification in the file properties of this file.  Do not remove the title, abstract or the keywords from your article.
  3. A submission letter to the editors.

Electronic submission

When all of the above requirements have been met, submit the three files on the same email to the journal’s email address: